Our Programs and Academics
PS 503 believes in giving families options. We are committed to supporting our diverse community of learners with the classrooms and programs that help them achieve their potential.
Classes and Programs
Classrooms for all students
Every class has 2 or 3 teachers
General Education
Spanish Dual Language
Integrated Co-Teaching ( ICT)
English as a Second Language ( ESL)
Special Education Teacher Support Services (SETSS)
Self Contained
Spaces to learn, grow, and be healthy
Air-conditioned Gymnasium
Technology Lab
Visual Arts Studio
Dance Studio
K-2 and 3-5 Science Labs
Outdoor Play Space
NYU Langone Medical and Dental Services
PS 503 Instructional Program
Integrated Social Studies Curricular Units that support Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education (CS-RE)
Integrated Social Emotional Learning Supports (RULER, DESSA Competencies)
Playworks Recess Program
For more information about PS 503's Literacy and Math curriculums, review our family workshops.
Kindergarten Sample Schedule
School day is from 8:00am-2:20pm
8:00 - Arrival
8:10 - Community Circle
8:30 - Math
9:00 - Phonics
9:50 - Writing
10:40 - Shared Reading
11:30 - Lunch & Recess
12:20 - Science
1:10 - Art, Science, Chess, Gym, Dance or Technology
2:10 - Dismissal
English-Spanish Dual Language at PS 503
What is the goal for Dual Language?
The goal of our dual language program is to provide instruction in English and Spanish that supports students in becoming biliterate, bilingual and bicultural with the long term goal of becoming global citizens.
What will the dual language classroom look and sound like?
Spanish & English taught daily Kindergarten through 5th grade
All academic subjects taught in both languages for each curricular unit of study
How are students selected for Dual Language?
Families choose DL in their Kindergarten application.
Families outside of our zone are able to choose DL and be accepted into the program
Families are oriented on the goals of the program and the partnership and participation with PS 503

Before and After School Programs
Morning Program
Breakfast in the cafeteria(7:30-7:55am)
Play in the gym(7:15-7:55am)
Other Programs
After School Special Education and English and a Second Language Services
Spring Saturday Academy

After School Clubs
Wednesday or Thursday 2:20pm-4:10pm
Chess - Award Winning Sunset Knights
Student Council
Green Team
Dance Team
Girls On The Run
Center for Life After School Program
Monday-Friday 2:20pm-5:30pm
Homework help
Community Services
Language Access - Spanish, Chinese languages, Arabic translation
Technology Team to Support Families with School Technology at Home
CFL counseling services
Food pantry